Board Members
As leaders of the community, our Board of Directors are determined to provide a better Milwaukee experience for the residents and business owners who live and operate in the MLK Village.
Our Director
Executive Director
Nicole Robbins
Our Board
Jim Milner
​Board member
M.A. Brown
Board member
Kevin Newell
Board member
Genyne Edwards​
Board member
Robert J. Isabell
Board member
Clifton Phelps
Board member
LaMarr Franklin
Board member
Eloise Luckett
Board member
Ben E. Johnson
President – Board Chair
McArthur Weddle
Kenneth F. Little
Tracey Carson
Clarence P. Hill​
Board member
Honorably Recognized Members
Welfrord Sanders
Executive Director
Ms. Gwen Jackson​
Founding Member
Pivotal to our success. When it comes to our property, we take every measure to address issues such as health, safety, performance, durability, are We believe every resident and business owner within the MLK Village deserves a community that nurtures opportunity and diversity while also providing a sense of security. Every property and project associated with MLKEDC is given an in-depth analysis to understand the potential it holds and how it can best enhance our growing community. We cherish the rich history and culture that makes the MLK Village unique and we are sensitive to the issues our community faces every day. Educating new home and business owners on financial management life cycle cost, affordable operating cost, balanced initial cost, environmental impact, historically sensitive exteriors, and embracing local culture.